Creating a prospecting with samples campaign
Prospecting with Samples is a marketing campaign tool designed for efficiently acquiring target accounts through samples. Complete with pre-built email templates, feedback, reporting, and a $100 first order discount, Prospecting with Samples helps you turn your prospects into buyers more efficiently.
Sampling is critical for buyers and sellers in the food and beverage space. Carrying perishable products is inherently more risky than gifts and apparel, so we’re embedding sampling features into how you can grow your wholesale business with Mable.
Cost of the campaign
Here are more cost details when a prospect orders a sample or makes a purchase.
- Brands pay for the cost of the samples (including shipping) that prospects request.
- Mable funds the cost of the $100 new-buyer discount to incentivize your prospects to make a purchase.
- You'll pay 0% commission on these accounts.
Which brands can use this prospecting tool
Sending a prospecting email campaign is free for all sellers on Mable that are opted into the Mable Sample Program. All sellers can also join the Sample Program. So, you'll be prompted to join The Sample Program right from this prospecting tool if you haven't joined yet.
Here are more details on The Mable Sample Program.
Who to send the campaign to
We recommend sending your prospecting campaign to your list of vetted and known prospects. This way you'll send free samples to qualified retailers who are interested and ready to buy and ensure a positive ROI.
Examples include a list of your dream accounts or retailers you met at a tradeshow.
There are other marketing tools available for existing accounts you work with outside of Mable.
How to create your prospecting campaign
The Prospect with Samples tool is located under the Marketing tab in your portal. To begin, click the “Create a campaign” tab on the left side. From there, select “Prospect with samples” and then "Get started" on the overview page to build your campaign.
Next, follow these steps to build your campaign:
- Name your campaign
- Pick a unique name you can use to easily identify this marketing email.
- Add your target list
- Paste in your list. You can copy and paste a list right from excel.
- Customize your email
- We've pre-built this email template using recommended copy, so these steps are optional!
- If you'd like to customize your email you can change the following:
- Subject line - Use a few words to entice prospects to open the email
- Header copy - Use a headline to summarize your odder
- Header image - Use an image of your choice
- The prepopulated "Our story" text comes directly from your brand bio in the portal.
- To change this text, you'll need to change your Brand story. You can do this on the Store tab in your portal under "Brand story*".
- Check out a preview of your email on the right side as you make changes.
- Send your email
- Once you've finished, click "Send" and you'll see a small "Campaign created" message and be sent back to the "Create a campaign" page.
You can always head back to the bottom of the Create a campaign page to view the campaigns you’ve previously sent.
Congratulations! You’ve sent a campaign!
Viewing your campaign results
After you send out your marketing campaign, you'll be able to see key email metrics for a deeper look at performance. Sending time will be immediate but can depend on the size of your recipient list, as larger lists may require more time to load.
Here's how we recommend interpreting the results:
The delivered rate is calculated by dividing the number of emails sent minus bounces by the number of emails sent. Remember that the number of emails sent is not the same as the number of emails delivered because some emails may have bounced.
(sent emails - bounces) / sent emails
Bounce rate
“Bounced” means that your email was not able to be delivered to the recipient’s inbox.
If your email campaign has a high bounce rate, that's anything above 1%, we recommend that you clean up your contact list to ensure it is up-to-date and contains only active, vetted customers or leads.
Here's a resource to help you reduce your email bounce rate, and therefore improve deliverability.
bounces / delivered
Open rate
Clickthrough rate
The percentage of recipients who clicked a link in your email out of those who opened it.
clicks / opens
The retailer experience
Your list of prospects will automatically receive your custom prospecting email and can choose to receive the sample, make a purchase, or both.
All retailers that request samples are presented with a feedback form, so you'll learn valuable information about what's holding potential buyers back from becoming your customers. Here's more information on the sample feedback form.
Buyers that make a purchase will receive a $100 first-order discount, covered by Mable.
Are you a brand that's already selling on Mable, and have feedback for us? Let us know!